Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Listen to yourselves...

Last night Jon Stewart was pointing out the Bush administration's way of waiting for history to judge their choices. He showed Condeleeza Rice saying something like: "You judge decisions not at the moment but with history." That is NOT something I want my children to learn. Hit your brother, and if you don't get in trouble, I guess it's okay. I'd like to see someone try that as a murder defense. Oh, I guess that's what the administration is doing. HOW CAN THEY BE SO INSANE? THAT ISN'T EVEN LOGICAL. They are saying, do whatever you want and then just wait and see what happens. And, as they pointed out on the show, "History is written by the winners" and if you have the mentality of winners and losers, then you are going to consider yourself the winner and write the history. Didn't these people go to kindergarten?
My other rant is against what people write on church marquees. Yesterday I read: "Freedom is never free. It's bought with blood." That isn't even theologically correct- the whole point is, it is free, to us. We don't have to buy it with blood. Jesus bought it for us and GAVE IT TO US FOR FREE!! And furthermore, it's bad socially and politically. What about the freedom for Black people brought about through the civil rights movement? What about the freedom of India from the British? What about more recent movements in South Africa and Eastern Europe. Did these people even read their marquee? What would Jesus do? Probably take it down. Is the church trying to support the war in Iraq? Don't they know that violence breeds violence, and if you try to buy freedom with blood it will bring more blood and less freedom? HELP! And the worst thing is both of these rants are against people who call themselves Christians. I'm not saying they're not, but I am saying I don't like the representation I'm getting.


some chick said...

and that is why i love jon stewart.

pickleandcake said...

i know what you mean-it's totally frustrating. the people who are loudest are usually jerks you don't want to share anything with, so it's so confounding when they call themselves christians.