I don' t remember if I had migraines at the beginning when I was pregnant with Leila, but this week I've had migraines every day. I do remember that I didn't have them for most of the pregnancy, so I'm hoping that happens again. On the plus side, the general ickiness isn't so bad.
Leila went to her friends house to play all day, then the girls came over for an hour while their mother went to a meeting. Leila climbed into the car with them when they left wanting to go home with them! She was exhausted though from not having had a nap other than a fifteen minute one in the car.
Last week I took Leila to the state fair. It wasn't super fun for her this year, but I think next year she'll love it. We took her to see the Budweiser clydsdales, and she was most impressed by a dalmation sleeping in the sun. "Wau, wau" she said. She wouldn't sleep until I finally sat down and nursed her, but then she woke up when I tried to put her in her stroller. Appropriately enough, we were in the Elsie the cow building.
When we got home H was babysitting a friend's two daughters and the neighbors who moved away were back cleaning up a bit, so I had five kids in the backyard playing on the swing set and racing around madly. Afterwards the girls decorated the driveway with chalk. The four-year-old wrote Lalu all over the place. We still have a very colorful driveway.
Things Leila is doing: taking my hand to lead me around the house to where she wants to go. Sometimes I think she doesn't have a purpose she just wants to see what I'll do. Sitting on her bright green bean bag to watch her little tv that she colored on a few weeks ago. Last night she dragged the bean bag from the study into the living room. Talking and talking. She likes to count and say the alphabet. This morning she was looking at my magazine and saying the alphabet (in her way, which is that some letters sound like letters, but others just follow the rythm of how we say it.) She's also very possessive of her things- she didn't like Barbara pushing the stroller at the fair, and if I pick up another kid she cries. Saturday night I had to pick her up while holding another girl. We were at a birthday party, and she kept playing with the icing on the cake. It was all over her face and her pretty dress when she finished. But the host mom was encouraging her, so I didn't worry about it. She eats and eats, too. Maybe we're not feeding her enough. I thought she didn't want to eat since she was leaving food, but I think she is just bored with the same food all the time. Yesterday she ate 5 mini beef hotdogs, and that wasn't all!
Okay, I'm going to copy this before I publish because last time I lost everything!
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