This was yesterday's fortune- and it was true- sort of. I was supposed to facilitate a workshop in the afternoon, but my co-facilitator canceled, freeing me up, to!
I had a headache when I woke up. I looked around at the mess we'd made from the house and all the stuff needing to be put away from our trip- ughhh. The phone rang. It was the real estate showing service. Could we show the house in 45 minutes? No Way! My realtor quickly called to reschedule- how about in 2 hours? Luckily I had already unpacked and put a lot of things away. With H's help, we managed to get the house pretty spotless, and were almost out the door when the people showed up.
For his Eid present, Ali had gotten a new DSi chip, but Leila told her dad she just wanted love for Eid. (She's very non-materialistic).
I decided she should at least get some new clothes. She doesn't really need much, but it's fun to have some new things for school, and she's been wanting to go clothes shopping at the mall. After a food court lunch, we went into H & M and she got a couple of new outfits. Then we stopped in Macy's and got her the LOVE t-shirt we'd seen on the way in. After all, Love was her request for Eid. She'd already chosen a first day outfit from her closet, but I think it's been usurped by something we picked up.
(I did go to work yesterday- we had evening meetings.)
Today we're going swimming with girl scout friends.
I hope today's fortune "A long, lost love will cross your path," won't come true, unless it's something like a food or activity I have forgotten.
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