Sunday, March 24, 2013


I guess it was okay that I thought about the Whole30 diet for a bit, because I did start it when I planned, which was the Monday of my spring break. I knew I would have some detox symptoms, and I didn't want to be teaching full on and making my students suffer. (Better just my children and husband.)
Since my birthday fell in the middle of spring break, we had a celebration the Saturday before, with a surprisingly Paleo friendly dinner of Salmon and veggies, though it also had rice, cheese, and bread. And of course, we finished up with cake - probably the best carrot cake I've ever had. I made sure to have another 2 pieces on Sunday, since I was going cold turkey on Monday.
And that's what I did. Monday morning I woke up and ate eggs and bacon. That worked pretty well, and I felt great on Monday. Tuesday I didn't feel so well, and by evening I had a headache. Someone said sweet potatoes, which are permitted, would help, so I had one of those for lunch. I had oatmeal for breakfast on Wednesday which is verboten, but since it's still gluten free I decided it was an okay cheat. I also put milk on it (again, not allowed) but only sweetened it with raisins.
Dinners haven't been too bad. I've also put the new blender to good use with spinach, frozen mango, and orange juice smoothies. I tossed almonds in one day. Thursday through Saturday I went downtown for a conference every day. Thursday I took my smoothie and some boiled eggs with me. Friday I had lunch before I went, but then did a major cheat by attending a wine and cheese party on teh 17th floor of the Omni- great views of the city and fun people and delicious cheeses. Oops. But I resisted the crackers!
Saturday I bought the protein plate for lunch- turkey slices, cheese, olives, and boiled eggs.
Today I'm going to make up some egg muffins with broc and veggies for breakfasts next week. Lunches might be tough, but I'll figure it out.
I got a grill for my birthday, so that's nice for cooking up lots of chicken and having it on hand for salads, which were my lunches most days last week.
I'm starting to feel better on this. I think modifying it a bit is okay. I'm going to try to avoid cheese, but I think yogurt should be okay, and a little milk with my oatmeal.

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