Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Readjusting to a schedule

Yesterday I finally realized at 7:40 that the noise going off in my ear was my alarm clock, and I'd set it to get Leila up for school. Oops.
She was the last kid there, but only about 5 minutes late, I think, thanks to a cereal bar and a sippy cup of milk in the car.
This morning I made myself get out of bed to wake her up just after 7, and she left when she was supposed to, with a home packed lunch. Then we all went back to bed for a long time. Next week I'll actually have to get myself out of the house. (I'm so lucky that H takes her to school, and even if he minds crawling out from under the warm covers and into the brisk (freezing yesterday) morning air, he does it anyways.)

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