Saturday, February 16, 2008


The other day I gave Ali a big kiss, and a chocolate Hershey's kiss appeared in my hand, which I gave to him. A little later, we did this again.
Today, Ali came over and gave me the most wonderful, sweet kiss. Then, he looked in my hand. "Where is it?" It took me a moment, and then I realized what he was looking for. "I haven't turned my magic on yet," I said. So he gave me another kiss, and looked again, hoping that this one had activated the chocolate producing magic. Nope. A couple more tries, and then he gave up. I told him to try again later. (After I've had a chance to grab a kiss out of the bag on the counter.) At least the boycott on kissing has ended.


Kim said...

What a precious memory! I think it should become a tradition of sorts.

dlyn said...

What a sweet post!