Sunday, November 04, 2007


A whole extra hour in my day today! What to do? Sleep late, as usual, laundry, grade papers? Since I have that whole extra hour, I take a cup of coffee back to bed and watch BookTV with John Bowe and stir up my activism juices.
His book, Nobodies, is about modern day slavery. Not sex slavery this time, but the economic slavery of undocumented immigrants and globalization. What is inspiring about his talk today is this: First of all, he said there are about 20 things that we can do, but that is too overwhelming. So instead, we should do two, and do them avidly. Second of all, in answer to someone's question about what religious organizations are doing, he said that there are a lot of people out there who are just looking for a leader to lead them into social justice work. I appreciate his point of view, and that of the questioner in the audience, that religion should lead people to do work for social justice. And I think there is a call to action in there for us to start that.
While I don't know that I agree with him on every point- he is against a guest worker program, for example- he certainly gives this issue a different perspective. I'm going to be checking out his blog.

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