Thursday, July 06, 2006


The day before we left Tunisia, Ohm Mohammed bought three fluffy little chicks for Leila and Ali. I named them George (of course), Harry, and Peter after Mohammed explained that they were male. They were very cute, and chirpy- George was the loudest one. The kids really enjoyed seeing them, but Leila asked me where their mom was. I explained that she and Ohm Mohammed were their moms now. She seemed okay with that, but a few days ago she asked me about their mom again. We got to see how they've grown (at least one is still alive, contrary to the prediction of the cousins) via internet video cam last weekend.
Have I mentioned on this blog how Leila changes her clothes many, many times each day? Usually she puts on some sort of dress up dress with her high heeled Barbie shoes and clicks around the house. Right now she is wearing a red velvet hand me down from her cousin which is much too hot for a Texas summer. I didn't want her to wear her noisy shoes this morning when Ali and baba were still asleep, so I asked her to change. She had to change her whole outfit and put on shoes to match that outfit. Then when everyone was awake, she changed back to the velvet and noise. On Sunday I got her some blue lip gloss and so she's been smearing that on her lips and chin as makeup. H says she looks like a clown, and she does. We're working on wiping on napkins and tissues- there are some blue spots on the curtains now.

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