Thursday, September 22, 2005

More things

Leila was supposed to go to "School" today for the first time (really Mother's day out) but she was sick. Oh well. Yesterday we practised getting into the sleeping bag I'd gotten her for nap time. When I got home H was trying to figure out where the ice cream carton in the trash had come from. Leila had gone into the freezer and gotten out the almost empty tub of icecream by herself without disturbing the other contents of our very messy freezer. Hmm. She gets into the fridge by herself all the time and serves herself water from the tank (it has a spigot). She'll also carry the huge gallon of milk to wherever we are when she wants milk. She helps herself to yogurt as well. It's a bit of a problem.
Usually I avoid taking her grocery shopping with me except at Whole Foods where she eats her way through the samples. The other day I took her to Kroger with a new attitude. H had told me that he pushes her in the car cart, where she sits in a car in the front and can get in and out by herself and she helps him. So, I let her help me. She did a great job. At the very end she started fussing a bit for candy, but not too badly. One day she went to the store with H and shoplifted a candy bar. He didn't realize it till they were outside. If she were older I would have made her go back in and deal with it, but of course she didn't know it was wrong.
Ali was four months old yesterday. What a hoot he is. He's such an easy baby. Right now they both have colds though. I think he nurses more at night when he's sick.

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